The Benefits of Tai Chi 4 your Company
Corporate Living Healthy Program:
90% of all doctors visits are stress related issues!
55% of health care costs are for lifestyle related illnesses.
40% of job turnover is because of stress
Staff sickness, absenteeism is at record levels.
In the business World today, increasing health costs and work-related injuries, both physical and mental make corporate wellness for employees a real necessity rather than simply an employee benefit. Tony’s Tai Chi 4 your Company program provides employees with an effective affordable, and enjoyable approach to managing STRESS.
The Benefits from a individual perspective include:
Reduced Anxiety, worry and stress levels = happier more content feeling.
Enhanced Relaxation skills.
Improved balance and flexibilty.
Greater Vitality & Clraity of Mind
Gives a great feeling of well-being and a optimal confident positive attitude.
Prevention of RSI and other health issues associated with office sitting functions at the workplace.
Staff learn self care RELAX MANAGEMENT! Key body posture skills.
Learn how to work fast and under pressure without getting exhausted as a result. Creating a calmness in a storm mind set.
The Benefits from a company perspective:
Improved: Motivation, efficiency, productivity, communication and teamwork.
Improved concentration of employees and all round feel good factor in the workplace.
Less absenteeism, illness, accidents and burnout.
In a unique way your employees get to learn how to cooperate and interact in a more balanced way.
Stress staff cannot perform to their optimal level which impacts your profits. Tai Chi & Qigong helps your company focus on success and not stress!
COMPANY IMPROVED IMAGE: Having either regular or a set course tailor made to match your companys needs will bring many benefits including great positive PR as you attract new employees or new business.
So make a great pioneering change for your company and create a dynamic positive results that you will be so proud of.
Recharge…… for your company, be more productive, be unique within your sector and beyond:
Offer our unique Tai Chi 4 Your Company program. Let Tony guide your staff with on a weekly, monthly or short course basis. 30,45,60 minute sessions.
Boek uw Bedrijfs workshop(s).
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Happy Chi
Tony Stewart
Founder of Tai Chi 4 You
The Tai Chi 4 You.
School of Internal Arts. Original Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan
KvK Nr. 60116853.