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"Exercise the Secrets that are within"
with Tony Stewart

Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
26 okt 20202 minuten om te lezen
Two Poems I wrote back in 2016
2016 was the start of a intuitive drive to put pen to paper. 4 years ago This morning as I concluded my Qigong meditation I picked up a...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
16 okt 20201 minuten om te lezen
Asia's centuries old healing arts
Excellent article on the benefits of Tai Chi. Experts point to the health benefits of tai chi as a reason lifespan has increased in Hong...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
12 okt 20201 minuten om te lezen
Classic old drawings and photos of Yang Chen Fu postures: Ist part of the 108 form
Very helpful for new students to use once at home to remind themselves of each main posture of the 1st part of the form up to cross...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
8 okt 20201 minuten om te lezen
Important happy chi good news about the so called positive tests. Good interview
Very good broadcasting! Please take a few mins to watch this.. PCR tests invented by Dr Mullis...he stated they WERE NOT to be used for...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
5 okt 20201 minuten om te lezen
Ultimate proof that Covid 19 was planned to bring in the new world order!
Before anyone starts the ney saying , ask yourself were so you get your information = main stream media! Notice how journalist don't ask...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
15 sep 20201 minuten om te lezen
Very important awareness video! This is a must watch and please research further.
❗❗❗One of the most important videos you'll ever watch.🙏➡️Please SHARE.This information is presented by Dr. Carrie Madej FB will not want...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
9 sep 20201 minuten om te lezen
Specialist Naturopathic Oncologist David Holden on The Vinny Eastwood Show
This is a excellent watch and listen. Lots of health tips and great awreness to whats really going on. Enjoy.
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 aug 20201 minuten om te lezen
Lena Pu: “Haal alle wifi weg uit scholen!”
DOOR FRED TEUNISSEN · 21 JUNI 2020 Eerder plaatsten we twee lange, Engelsltalige interviews met Lena Pu over de gevaren van wifi straling...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 aug 20201 minuten om te lezen
Very important information. This info is in dutch but if yo u scroll down you will come across the two in built videos which are in...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 aug 20204 minuten om te lezen
Cabal gatekeepers have today removed the video of British whistle-blower Consultant Surgeon Dr Moham
I post this in the vital interest of free speech! Something my Grandad and millions fought for and died for too. This here is largely...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 aug 20201 minuten om te lezen
Interview with my Tai Chi Master: Sifu Jim Uglow
Great interview featuring my Tai chi sifu Jim Uglow, an incredible highest level true master of martial arts. Highest ranking sifu n Both...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
2 aug 20202 minuten om te lezen
Tai Chi is scientifically proven to boost immune system
The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi is scientifically proven ( Yang Lu Chan and all qigong and tai chi masters knew this for 1000s of...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
2 aug 20202 minuten om te lezen
Virologen in US roepen om actie: WAKE UP!!
If nothing else I post this in the interest of free speech. Please click on the link here to view the ‘WAKE UP!!’ 2020 ©
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 jul 20203 minuten om te lezen
‘Wat zit er in uw eten’ Info over e-nummers
‘Wat zit er in uw eten’ is vernieuwd. HET handige en informatieve gidsje over alle E-nummers. De boodschap van dit boekje is duidelijk;...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 jul 20201 minuten om te lezen
Wifi in schools proven dangerous!
Take a look at the video below that shows the dangers of Wi-Fi. It shows an example of a school that went wireless and that affected the...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
25 jul 20200 minuten om te lezen
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
17 jul 20201 minuten om te lezen
How to Detoxify your Pineal Gland
Following up from the last 6 minuted video on the dangers of Glyphosate, Aluminum, Fluoride and 5G - effects on the Brain Please take...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
17 jul 20206 minuten om te lezen
Glyphosate, Aluminum, Fluoride and 5G - effects on the Brain
TOP 8 SUPLEMENTS TO BOOST YOUR PINEAL GLAND FUNCTION The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
16 jul 20203 minuten om te lezen
My, Did you agree to 5G? poem
My, Did you agree to 5G? poem The devil is enjoying its full swing and projected Leaving the majority of us unprotected 5G installed in...
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Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You
14 jul 20207 minuten om te lezen
Iodine, Metabolism and Oxygen
Though doctors and people do not normally associate iodine with oxygen, we have to see that iodine-carrying thyroid hormones are...
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New Blog
The New Tai Chi 4 You Blog: Get in the know and enjoy YOUR flow
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