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At all times of the day, your body is exposed to bacteria, germs and viruses that are trying to invade and attack your body. 


Your intricate immune system works like a personal military system, armed and ready to defend you from these foreing invaders that cause harm. 


With a healthy immune system, even if an infection invades your bodies, it's usually a matter of time before it can fight it off. 


To support your troops and get your immune system “serving” you with strength, it’s fundamental to focus on the right fuel.


Here are the top 21 superfoods for boosting your immune system:


  • Citrus Fruits (limes, lemons, oranges, clementines)

  • Berries (Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)

  • Cherries

  • Tea (green and black)

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Turmeric

  • Broth 

  • Red Bell Pepper

  • Mushrooms

  • Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage)

  • Leafy Greens (Spinach, arugula, microgreens)

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Tomatoes

  • Yogurt

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews)

  • Fatty Fish (salmon, tuna, herring)

  • Shellfish (oysters, clams, mussels, lobster, crab)

  • Poultry (chicken, turkey)

  • Seeds (chia, pumpkin, sunflower)

  • Beans (red, pinto, navy, black)

Click here to enjoy the pictures and info on each of the 21 and find out much more benefits for your immune system.

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Protect Your Health By Giving Your Immune System A Boost

White blood cells are the central cells in the immune system to help ward off colds, flu and unwanted bacteria. They are almost instantaneously drawn to and eat up anything that is not meant to be in the body. They possess a remarkable, innate defensive and healing capacity. Sometimes though, immunity becomes burdened from:

  • increased demands placed upon it: for example by catching a virulent flu which takes hold in the body

  • a toxic burden distracts immune cells which are busy cleansing by-products from poor diet and lifestyle choices

  • white blood cells don’t have the nutrients to draw on for optimal function because of nutrient deficiencies and sub-optimal nutritional intake


Foods which can help support immunity include:

  • garlic

  • onions

  • ginger

  • chilli

  • thyme

  • lemon

  • pineapple

  • broccoli

  • leeks

  • carrots

  • brazil nuts

Whenever possible, organic produce is preferred as this not only protects the environment from toxic chemicals but also protects your body from having to metabolise, detoxify and excrete pesticide and chemical residues. If organic is not easily available, then regular produce will still do a fantastic job to support your immune system!

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The Magic is in the Pigments – Eat More Colourful Foods

Carrots and other yellow, orange and red vegetables including sweet potato contain an abundance of betacarotene. Enzymes in the body convert betacarotene to vitamin A, which is vital for immune function and for mopping up cellular waste from white blood cells after they eat up invading bacteria.

Similarly, foods high in vitamin C, including citrus, lemons, broccoli, and dark leafy vegetables mop up the by-products released from white blood cells and reduce the inflammation when the immune system attacks bacteria. This action from vitamin C improves immunity and makes a person feel better when they have the flu. Also, onions and apples contain a compound called quercetin which can help reduce inflammation and allergic reactions and increase the potency of vitamin C.

Get the Blood Flowing

Ginger and chilli improve blood flow, enhance digestion, are cleansing, warming and promote the release of toxins by sweating, often making a sick person feel better. Garlic, nature’s antibiotic, kills harmful bacteria in the intestines and reduces free-radical damage and inflammation. These are all brilliant superfoods to boost immunity!

Which Nutrients Give Your Immunity A Helping Hand?

Just two brazil nuts per day contain a therapeutic dose of selenium, nutritional medicine’s forgotten immune nutrient! Selenium stimulates detoxification and supports white blood cell activity, eating up bad bacteria to improve the immune response.
Also, zinc is one of the most important immune-stimulating minerals, and nuts and seeds, including walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds are an amazing source of zinc. White blood cells store zinc, and a diet high in zinc enhances their function both in the long and short term.

Top Tips to Flush Out a Cold or Flu:

  • Fresh tea with thyme, ginger, garlic, chilli and a wedge of lemon

  • Fresh juice with pineapple, orange, carrot, ginger and lemon

Digestion and Immunity – Why is it Important?

Finally, we need to think about our gut microbiome. All the good bacteria that naturally live in your body need fuel to thrive, and if you support healthy gut function with fibre rich foods, the immune system benefits as well.
It’s funny to think that some foods feed the good probiotic bacteria in your body! These are called prebiotics which contain fermentable fibres that stimulate the growth and activity of bacteria in the digestive system. Food such as asparagus, leek, onion, oats, chia seeds, apples and legumes such as black beans, lentils, chickpeas and beans and peas contain fermentable fibre which feeds the good bacteria. This supports the lymphatic system to mount a good immune response to invading pathogens.

Not only does a healthy gut microbiome support proper lymphatic function, and hence good immunity – a healthy gut also improves absorption of crucial nutrients required by the immune system.

A Final Thought

To support overall immunity, it is best to eat some form of fruit, vegetable, nuts, seeds or legumes at every meal or most meals. Limit meat and animal products, and enjoy your delicious superfoods – which not only support your immunity but many aspects of healthy living!


About the Author

Max Hacker is a naturopath, nutritionist and registered nurse with a passion for healthy eating. He has a passion for education, including dispelling myths and misconceptions about healthy eating and how to use food as medicine to promote health and wellness naturally!

Acupuncture Today – May, 2004, Vol. 05, Issue 05

An Extremely Effective, Simple Treatment for Colds and Flu


Some years ago, a group of esteemed scientists from the People's Republic of China were invited to visit the United States by the American scientific community. This event ushered in an exchange of ideas and an opportunity for two great nations to be able to corroborate on a number of issues vital to the health and welfare of the world.


Over a period of two months, the Chinese scientists visited virtually every major research facility in the nation, followed closely by their American hosts, who were furiously taking notes and promoting discussion on matters from nuclear physics to aerospace, medical research and treatment approaches. The visit culminated in a banquet at Princeton University in honor of the Chinese scientists, which was attended by a virtual "who's who" of the North American scientific world.

During the banquet, the moderator of the event posed the question to the chief Chinese scientist as to what he felt was one of the most significant things he had learned in America; what had impressed him the most about the United States that he would return to China and share it with his colleagues who were not present on this historic visit? The scientist rose from his chair, strode to the microphone, gazed over the crowd and stated in understandable English: "The number one thing that has impressed me the most about America is the common belief by the common person that there is no cure for the common cold." The American scientists were totally caught off guard with this statement, as it was perhaps the farthest thing from anyone's mind. It was not what they had expected to hear.










Even though the names of devastating flu are often Asian in character, and China has been credited or blamed with the development of some of the most deadly flu epidemics in the world, the Chinese - through effective acupuncture approaches - have had a major impact in altering the extreme symptomatology that accompanies both the flu and the common cold.

The following illustrated acupuncture approach is extremely effective in not only alleviating the symptoms associated with cold or flu but, if used early enough, may potentially prevent the symptoms and condition from developing at all. All of the points shown may be stimulated with noninvasive stimulation devices such as the teishein, electronic stimulation or laser, in addition to needles. One of the most effective approaches to successful treatment is to copy the images below and provide them for your patients for self-stimulation of the points throughout the day. Remember, this may be one of the most powerful effects for cold and flu you will ever learn.

One of the key points is the "miracle" point known as the "common cold" point on the thenar eminence, in line with an imaginary line drawn down the middle of the index finger. If a cold is present, or on the way, this point will be very sore upon palpation. The "sore throat" point is perhaps one of the most dynamic on the body for seemingly miraculous elimination and lessening of pain from sore throat almost immediately. LI 4, ST 36 and SP 6 are extremely effective points for boosting the immune system and are three of the most powerful points on the body for this purpose, when used together. Caution is urged in using these points for any female who may potentially be pregnant, as LI 4 and SP 6 are classic points known to create abortion. If there is a question of pregnancy, eliminate these two points; if not, they are dynamic. These points are historically used to promote delivery in the ninth month when the contents of the uterus are expelled. TH 5 and P 6 are, without question, two of the most effective points in affecting the immune system and building vital resistance. These two points are my personal favorites. This effect is through the extraordinary meridians.

Since the common cold is the most prevalent medical condition in North America, followed by low back pain, we should all be kept very busy in treating this malady. Colloidal silver has shown to be extremely effective in colds and flu, and is highly urged.


5 Best Acupressure Points for Fever, Cold and Flu

By Bipasha Mukherjee 12 Comments

Most of us don’t take common colds, flu and fever seriously but by doing so; we actually underestimate the real impact that these small maladies might have on our health in the long run. It is impossible to your 100% at job, in home or anywhere else if you are constantly pestered by these chronic diseases and colds and flues have a tendency to linger in the body slowly weakening the body’s defense power and immune system, making it weak and lowering the energy level of the body. Acupressure and reflexology has been proved useful in curing various kinds of diseases and it can be effectively used in keeping the symptoms of cold and flu at bay.

Click here to view website and see all the acupressure points
Always consult your doctor or health consultant for advice on all aspects of your health concerns including nutritional advice.

In Brief: Tai chi gives immune system a boost

Published: June, 2007 Harvard health letter

Fighting off diseases is a young person's game. With age, our immune systems become less nimble and not quite as ruthless. The number of T cells drop. The B cells also start to wind down, making fewer antibodies that respond to outside intruders and more errant ones that turn on the body itself.

As a result, even those of us who age gracefully are more vulnerable to getting sick as we tack on the years. What's more, our immune systems don't respond as vigorously to the vaccinations — such as the annual flu shot — that we get to prevent some of those illnesses.

Small studies have yielded some evidence that exercise seems to re-energize the immune system, so when UCLA researchers decided to test whether tai chi might do the same, they weren't starting from scratch. On the other hand, the slow, controlled movements of tai chi aren't a typical form of exercise.

The study involved 112 healthy people whose average age was about 70. Half of the volunteers were randomly assigned to attend three, 40-minute tai chi sessions a week. They were taught tai chi chih, a Western variation of the martial art. The control group attended health education classes that included group discussion.

After four months both groups were given the chickenpox vaccine, Varivax. The shingles vaccine, Zostavax, wasn't available at the time.

The researchers drew blood from the study subjects and conducted tests that assess how active T cells are in response to the chickenpox virus. The tests were done periodically during the study, which lasted a total of 25 weeks.

The results were reported in the April 2007 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The T cell activity levels of the tai chi group had risen 38% by the end of the study, compared with a 28% increase for people in the control group, although the immunological boost from tai chi came mainly before vaccination. After the chickenpox shot, the T cell activity levels of the tai chi and the control group went up by about the same amount (14% vs. 15%).

The UCLA researchers noted that tai chi alone induced an immune response that was comparable to the vaccine.

Tai chi might have a strong effect on the immune system because it manages to bring exercise, relaxation, and meditation together in "one behavioral intervention," the researchers said. They theorized that tai chi enhances T cell activity by quieting the nervous system's "fight or flight" response, which can, in certain circumstances, interfere with the immune system.


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Happy Chi, Tony Stewart.
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