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A Christmas star is born!

Foto van schrijver: Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 YouTony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You

Please find my Christmas poem that came to me these last few days: A Christmas star is born!

The Christmas time is here and we raise our glass offering our good cheers. In what for sure has been truly the very strangest of all years.

Yet laugh we must as we receive those socks and ties. In the knowing that true love never ever lies.

The Christmas bells are ringing yet the truth is the churches are left empty and no one is singing

The streets are deserted and empty, yet if we look within we can see we have plenty.

Share your Christmas story as your mind cannot be lock down and don’t worry as your body is really safe and sound.

Be optimistic and raise your spirits up this Christmas time. Never despairing as you enjoy your life like a great song, letting it flow and rhyme.

On the 21st the planets aligned together giving us a truly special unique Christmas star to cheer. So let’s not miss this unique transforming spiritual times and enjoy the star that shines at its 800th year.

In the day light hours know ones shadow is at bay. Going within to enlighten your inner world as you meditate and silently pray.

At night as one sleeps and dreams our unconscious gets a better chance to be heard and listened to. Giving us a hinting story’s to help us know what to do or at least give us a clue.

To maintain clarity within and gracefulness without. Seems to be the way to avoid all that ney saying shout.

Joy and happiness that’s rooted to the ground. will reveal all the love that is truly profound.

Don’t be focused on those all these restrictions because nothing can stop your fun despite all those 4 tiers.

So have a very Merry Christmas with all your loved ones filled with happy chi and good cheers.

Love and Happy Christmas Chi Tony Stewart 22 12 2020


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