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My Christmas Poem of 2024

Foto van schrijver: Tony Stewart Tai Chi 4 YouTony Stewart Tai Chi 4 You

Yes, Its that time of year!

As I write this poem feeling good and grateful, full of Christmas cheer!

Remember to practice otherwise Father Christmas will come and bend your ear!


My Christmas poem for 2024:

Yeung Family Tai Chi is unique and very profound.

Helping you protect your happy chi, whilst keeping mind body and spirit healthy, safe and sound.


Do your Tai Chi and connect with yourself and nature

For its good health benefits are not just simply only conjecture.


Make this Christmas Merry, happily knowing that less is more.

As you stand and relax, feeling your chi flow down through yourself, to the floor.


Choose to enjoy practicing Tai Chi at home when and where you can.

Building new habits each and every day, as you let go of old unwanted habits, releasing them down the pan.


Enjoy being your best you, each and every day.

Trust in your feelings and intuition to help with your journey along the way.


Rise and shine each morning and never dim your light.

For the fear of failure and fear of success can stop you doing what’s right.


For more many years I am enjoying Tai Chi and doing my best, teaching it too so many.

Luckily I am loving what I am doing because for as a career one hardly earns a penny 😊


Teaching now 25 years in the Montessorischool and many other places.

I reflect back and think of all who have come, stayed or gone, that sure is a lot of faces.


I traveled this path for many years already.

I am looking forward to many more years to come, keeping practicing, staying healthy fit and ready.


Happy Merry Christmas chi, Tony Stewart

Tai Chi 4 You

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