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Video Clips:

Tai Chi 4 You

Welcome to Tai Chi 4 You interview recorded in late 2014. Tony Stewart Founder of Tai Chi 4 You gives a short introduction ( In Dutch with of course occasional English words in there for good flow. Featuring short intro to what is tai chi and the all new Tai Chi 4 You free e-book. Tai Chi Beginners in Bergen op Zoom & Roosendaal in The Netherlands











































































These two shorts clips show you well the great flow example of Tai Chi. The Empty minds clip is a trailer for a lovely documentary of Tai Chi Chuan the other clip is great to see a good age range of people all together and deeply enjoying the mindfulness and moving mediation that Tai Chi & Qigong is. Enjoy.

Nice examples of Yang Family Pushing hands / listening hands. Thsi will form a integral part of your study as you learn to saty in balance and listen "ting energy" to your partner. Its not all about pushing is about listening moving in inter connection, flow and learning to calmly re direct to follow to re direct and yes a great muscle workout teaching you to really relax. Happy Chi from Tony.

News review: Taken from newsletter September 2019

De Brabantse Wal Dag 2019 afgelopen zondag 15 September op Landgoed Mattemburgh. was weer en heel goed succes! en top dag!!!😀☯️🙏

It was a fantastic successful happy chi day at the Brabantse wal dag. Weather was great. Warm sunny day. Super thanks to a really dedicated team from the start to the end of the day = super top good in all they did to make it a very fun successful day. So big special thanks to you all. Also to the many friends and students that came by to say hello and of course the very many enthusiastic members of the public who watched our demos and signed up to cone along for a their free try out lesson. Our location in the grounds was also perfect, being the same spot as last year proving to be a good eye catcher as public flowed past enjoying their day.

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Lessen in Bergen op Zoom . klik hier: 

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